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iPhone 15 Pro Max somehow fails to survive having a 90lb dumbbell dropped on it

The moment Kyle Counts’ smashed iPhone began to smoke and spark

Second time’s the charm: A personal trainer again accidentally dropped a gym weight on his iPhone 15 Pro Max, discovering that physics are remorseless and iPhones aren’t invulnerable.

As reported by Newsflare, Counts was working a triceps exercise in a gym in Scapoose, Oregon when his iPhone fell out of his pocket. He didn’t notice it until the end of his exercise when he dropped the 90 pound dumbbell he was using, onto the floor and right onto the iPhone.

The gym’s security footage shows the accident, plus Counts’ face looking exactly like anyone’s would after this. But then he picked up the iPhone and smoke began coming out of it — and it began sparking.

“Obviously my first instinct was drop the phone but when I saw it wasn’t just smoking but started sparking I grabbed it as fast as I could and ran outside through the emergency exit,” he continued. “The phone kept sparking so I tried to kick it with my foot into a puddle to submerge it to hopefully put out the fire.”

Dropping a weight on an iPhone turns out to be less of a rare event than it should be — if you’re Kyle Counts. “I have dropped a dumbbell on my phone twice and broke it in the car door twice,” he added.

It’s not clear whether his phones were destroyed each time, but of the four incidents, he says this is the worst. “They have never emitted any smoke or gas before,” he said.
