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How to Downgrade iOS 18 to 17 in 5 Minutes [No Data Loss]

How to Downgrade iOS 18 to 17 in 5 Minutes [No Data Loss] | Macworld 1?e[1]:null,s=e.length>2?e[2]:null;if(“ping”===t)p({gppVersion:”1.1″,cmpStatus:”stub”,cmpDisplayStatus:”hidden”,signalStatus:”not ready”,supportedAPIs:[“2:tcfeuv2″,”5:tcfcav1″,”6:uspv1″,”7:usnatv1″,”8:uscav1″,”9:usvav1″,”10:uscov1″,”11:usutv1″,”12:usctv1″],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:””,parsedSections:{}},!0);else if(“addEventListener”===t){“lastId”in __gpp||(__gpp.lastId=0),__gpp.lastId++;var n=__gpp.lastId;{id:n,callback:p,parameter:s}),p({eventName:”listenerRegistered”,listenerId:n,data:!0,pingData:{gppVersion:”1.1″,cmpStatus:”stub”,cmpDisplayStatus:”hidden”,signalStatus:”not ready”,supportedAPIs:[“2:tcfeuv2″,”5:tcfcav1″,”6:uspv1″,”7:usnatv1″,”8:uscav1″,”9:usvav1″,”10:uscov1″,”11:usutv1″,”12:usctv1″],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:””,parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else if(“removeEventListener”===t){for(var a=!1,i=0;i<;i++)if([i].id==s){,1),a=!0;break}p({eventName:"listenerRemoved",listenerId:s,data:a,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnatv1","8:uscav1","9:usvav1","10:uscov1","11:usutv1","12:usctv1"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else"hasSection"===t?p(!1,!0):"getSection"===t||"getField"===t?p(null,!0):__gpp.queue.push([].slice.apply(e))},window.__gpp_msghandler=function(e){var t="string"==typeof;try{var p=t?JSON.parse(}catch(e){p=null}if("object"==typeof p&&null!==p&&"__gppCall"in p){var s=p.__gppCall;window.__gpp(s.command,(function(p,n){var a={__gppReturn:{returnValue:p,success:n,callId:s.callId}};e.source.postMessage(t?JSON.stringify(a):a,"*")}),"parameter"in s?s.parameter:null,"version"in s?s.version:"1.1")}},"__gpp"in window&&"function"==typeof window.__gpp||(window.__gpp=window.__gpp_stub,window.addEventListener("message",window.__gpp_msghandler,!1),window.__gpp_addFrame("__gppLocator")); // CCPA Stub (function () { var e = false; var c = window; var t = document; function r() { if (!c.frames["__uspapiLocator"]) { if (t.body) { var a = t.body; var e = t.createElement("iframe"); = "display:none"; = "__uspapiLocator"; a.appendChild(e) } else { setTimeout(r, 5) } } } r(); function p() { var a = arguments; __uspapi.a = __uspapi.a || []; if (!a.length) { return __uspapi.a } else if (a[0] === "ping") { a[2]({ gdprAppliesGlobally: e, cmpLoaded: false }, true) } else { __uspapi.a.push([].slice.apply(a)) } } function l(t) { var r = typeof === "string"; try { var a = r ? JSON.parse( :; if (a.__cmpCall) { var n = a.__cmpCall; c.__uspapi(n.command, n.parameter, function (a, e) { var c = { __cmpReturn: { returnValue: a, success: e, callId: n.callId } }; t.source.postMessage(r ? JSON.stringify(c) : c, "*") }) } } catch (a) { } } if (typeof __uspapi !== "function") { c.__uspapi = p; __uspapi.msgHandler = l; c.addEventListener("message", l, false) } })(); // Google Tag Manager (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-5JGZ3LH'); // Permutive Stub !function(n,e,i){if(!n){n=n||{},window.permutive=n,n.q=[],n.config={}||{},n.config.apiKey=e,n.config.environment=n.config.environment||"production";for(var o=["addon","identify","track","trigger","query","segment","segments","ready","on","once","user","consent"],r=0;r s.replace(/[~'"=!+#;^()&[]]/g,''); window.ntvConfig = window.ntvConfig || {} ; window.ntvConfig.keyValues = window.ntvConfig.keyValues || {}; const segs = localStorage.getItem('_pnativo'); if (segs) { window.ntvConfig.keyValues.permutive = JSON.parse(segs).join(","); } const metaKeywordsTag = document.querySelector("meta[name='keywords']"); if ( metaKeywordsTag && (metaKeywordsTag.hasAttribute('content')) ) { const kwds = metaKeywordsTag.content.split(',').filter(kw => kw.length ]]]]>]]> { let flourish_id = box.dataset.src; if( flourish_id !== undefined ) { /* create a new script */ let flourish_script = document.createElement(“script”); flourish_script.type = “text/javascript”; /* create the script-id by concatenating ‘twl-mobile-‘ with the dynamic id */ flourish_script.async = true; flourish_script.src = ‘’; /* add the script as a child element of the placeholder div */ box.appendChild(flourish_script) } }) } } /** * Load podcast player if user accepted consent **/ function iframeLoaded( podcastIframe ) { if( podcastIframe ) { const height = podcastIframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + ‘px’; = height; } } function loadPodcastplayer(){ const podcastElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.wp-block-jetpack-podcast-player’); if( podcastElements ){ let count = 1; Array.from(podcastElements).map(function(element) { let postId = element.getAttribute(‘post_id’); let podcastIframe = document.createElement(“iframe”); const siteUrl = document.location.origin; podcastIframe.src = siteUrl+”/podcast-player?id=”+postId+”&position=”+count+’&_ajaxnonce=ad6245efc3′; podcastIframe.width = “100%”; podcastIframe.frameBorder =”0″; podcastIframe.scrolling = “0”; “none”; podcastIframe.scrolling = “no”; element.appendChild(podcastIframe); podcastIframe.onload = function() { setTimeout( function() { iframeLoaded( podcastIframe ); }, 1000); }; count++; }); } } document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => { document.querySelectorAll(‘.wp-block-embed-youtube iframe’).forEach(function(element) { = ‘none’; }); }); function youtubeCallback() { document.querySelectorAll(‘.wp-block-embed-youtube iframe’).forEach(function(element) { element.setAttribute(‘src’, element.getAttribute(‘data-src’)); = ‘initial’; = ‘initial’; }); } /** * Load Apple podcast-block if user accepted consent **/ function loadApplePodcastplayer(){ const applePodcastElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.apple_podcasts iframe’); if( applePodcastElements ){ Array.from(applePodcastElements).map(function(element) { const dataSrc = element.getAttribute(‘data-url’); const dataHeight = element.getAttribute(‘data-height’); element.src = dataSrc; element.height = dataHeight; }); } } // __tcfapi call event. __tcfapi(‘addEventListener’, 2, function(tcData, success) { if ( success && (tcData.eventStatus === ‘tcloaded’ || tcData.eventStatus === ‘useractioncomplete’) ) { console.log(‘###### tcData.eventStatu infogram ‘, tcData.eventStatus ); /** * GDPR Case **/ if(tcData.gdprApplies) { /** * Use getCustomVendorConsents to get all the vendor information we need to check * if consent was given for the vendor and associated purposes. **/ __tcfapi(‘getCustomVendorConsents’, 2, function(vendorConsents, success) { /** * If this fails for some reason, log to the console and do nothing **/ if(!success) { console.warn(‘Error getting custom vendor consents.’); }; if(success) { /** * Split up the vendorConsents callback return values into manageable variables **/ consentedPurposes = vendorConsents.consentedPurposes || []; consentedCustomVendors = vendorConsents.consentedVendors || []; vendorGrants = vendorConsents.grants; /** * Set up the checkConsent function to use for checking * individual vendor consents via their Sourcepoint Vendor-ID **/ var checkConsent = function(vendorId) { /** * Always start with the assumption that consent is not given by default **/ var consentGiven = false; /** * Check if the vendorId is found in vendorGrants from the vendorConsents.grants * callback variable of getCustomVendorConsents **/ if(vendorId in vendorGrants) { /** * Get vendorGrants via vendorId **/ var vendor = vendorGrants[vendorId]; /** * Now we can use the associated vendor to get the vendorGrant information. * If the vendor has grants, consentGiven will be true, otherwise this will * be set to false. **/ consentGiven = vendor.vendorGrant; /** * Check if we already have consent at this point **/ if(consentGiven) { /** * If we reach this, we know the vendor is not turned off, * but we double check all the vendors associated purposes * to be absolutely sure. **/ for(var purposeID in vendor.purposeGrants) { /** * While iterating all vendor associated purposes, * set this to true or false for each purpose **/ consentGiven = vendor.purposeGrants; /** * If this is set to false at any point in the purpose iteration, * we can exit out because at least one of the purposes has no * explicit consent given by the visitor **/ if(!consentGiven) { /** * Log to the console for easy debugging **/ console.warn(‘Purpose-consent for purpose’, purposeID, ‘for vendor’, vendorId, ‘is’, consentGiven); /** * Exit the loop **/ break; }; }; }; /** * If we passed both checks above, return the current value of consentGiven **/ console.log(‘Vendor’, vendorId, ‘has vendorGrant.’); return consentGiven; }; /** * Fallback case if vendor is not in vendor list and/or not found in vendorGrants * Just default to assuming consent is not given since we cannot explicitly check. **/ console.log(‘Vendor’, vendorId, ‘was not found in vendorGrants. Assume no consent.’); return false; }; /** * Now we can use the checkConsent function to check individual vendors via their vendorId **/ const whistleout_inc = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.whistleout_inc || ”; const whistleout_pty_ltd = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.whistleout_pty_ltd || ”; /** * For whistleout, we should check consent for both whistleout_inc and whistleout_pty_ltd * before loading the script **/ if( checkConsent(whistleout_inc) && whistleout_inc !== ” && checkConsent(whistleout_pty_ltd) && whistleout_pty_ltd !== ” ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor whistleout_inc’, whistleout_inc, ‘ and whistleout_pty_ltd’, whistleout_pty_ltd,’. Script can now be loaded’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); } /** * Store Sourcepoint vendorIds here to use for individual checks **/ const infogram = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.infogram || ”; /** * Now we can use the checkConsent function together with the vendorIds to check * each vendor and load the script when consent is given **/ if( infogram !== ” && checkConsent(infogram) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor infogram’, infogram, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); }; /*** * Dutch selection block. **/ const dutchSelectionBlock = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.dutch_selection || ”; if( dutchSelectionBlock !== ” && checkConsent(dutchSelectionBlock) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor dutchblock’, dutchSelectionBlock, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); }; /*** * Flourish block. **/ const flourish = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.flourish || ”; if( flourish !== ” && checkConsent(flourish) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor flourish block’, flourish, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); } /*** * Jetpack podcast player. **/ const podigee = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.podigee || ”; if( podigee !== ” && checkConsent(podigee) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor podcast player block’, podigee, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); } const youtube = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.youtube || ”; if( youtube !== ” && checkConsent(youtube) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor Youtube’, youtube, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); } /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ const apple_podcast = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.apple_podcast || ”; if( apple_podcast !== ” && checkConsent(apple_podcast) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor Apple podcast block’, apple_podcast, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); } } }); }; /** * Non-GDPR Case **/ if(!tcData.gdprApplies) { /** * GDPR does not apply so check for CCPA **/ __uspapi(‘getCustomVendorRejects’, 2, function(consent, USPDataSuccess) { /** * Log if this fails for some reason, should rarely ever happen **/ if(!USPDataSuccess) { console.error(‘Error getting __uspapi custom vendor rejects.’); }; /** * Check if CCPA applies, stored inside the consent variable of the callback **/ if(USPDataSuccess) { /** * Handle CCPA opt out check if it applies **/ if(consent.ccpaApplies) { /** * Get US Privacy Data **/ __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 2, function(uspData, success) { /** * Log if this fails for some reason, should rarely ever happen **/ if(!success) { console.error(‘Error in getUSPData’); } /** * The opt out information is stored in the uspString * see IAB documentation: * **/ var uspString = uspData.uspString; var uspArray = uspString.split(”); var ccpaOptOut = (uspArray[2] === ‘Y’); /** * Visitor has actively opted out, so we do not fire the script(s) **/ if(ccpaOptOut) { console.log(‘Visitor has opted out via CCPA.’) } if(!ccpaOptOut) { /** * Visitor has not opted out so we can load our script(s) here for the CCPA case **/ setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); console.log(‘CCPA and no opt out. Loading scripts’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); /** * Display DutchBlcok **/ setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); /** * Display FlourishBlock **/ setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); /** * Display Podcast player jetpack. **/ setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); } }); } /** * If we reach this point, we have checked for GDPR and CCPA applies * and both cases were false so no consent checks are required and * we can load the script(s) **/ if(!consent.ccpaApplies) { setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); console.log(‘No consent required. Loading scripts’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); /** * Display DutchBlcok **/ setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); /** * Display FlourishBlock **/ setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); /** * Display Podcast player jetpack. **/ setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); } } }); } else { console.log(‘###### GDPR applied tcData.eventStatus ‘, tcData.eventStatus ); } /** * Remove the event listener after it has fired once per page * to avoid loading the script(s) multiple times **/ __tcfapi(‘removeEventListener’, 2, function(success) { if (success) { console.log(‘Removing event listener gdpr consent’, tcData.listenerId) } }, tcData.listenerId); } }); ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]> To delete the beta version from your iPhone, choose any of method mentioned above. However, we recommend Tenorshare ReiBoot, if you donu2019t have a backup and want to avoid data loss.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Will I lose data if I downgrade iOS?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

When downgrading from iOS 18 Beta to a stable version, thereu2019s always a risk of losing data. Therefore, you should back up your data first. Some data can be restored from backups, but files added in the beta might not work with older iOS versions.”}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Are there any risks of downgrading from iOS 18 Beta?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”

Yes, there are risks of data loss and downloading unsigned firmware while downgrading from iOS 18 Beta.”}}]}]]]]]]]>]]]]>]]>

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