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Apple Pay issue in Hungary leading to unauthorized charges

Users of Apple Pay in Hungary are currently experiencing unexplained charges

A serious Apple Pay malfunction appears to have arisen in Hungary. Multiple Apple Pay users in the country have reported unexplained charges in rapid succession.

Users are reportedly seeing multiple transactions despite making no purchases, with one user experiencing 74 unexplained transactions one after another totaling well over $1,500 USD. These charges seem to be linked to previously canceled subscriptions, and some of them match the amounts of previous App Store purchases made by the user.

OTP Bank in Hungary said that “massive unjustified debits” were apparently made to multiple cards. Although the exact cause of this situation has yet to be determined, the problem appears to be on Apple’s end.

“We inform our customers that due to a technical problem with an external partner, the bank cards of some of our customers may have been incorrectly charged by the Apple App Store. Our colleagues have contacted Apple officials, and the problem is being resolved.”
