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It’s true – iPhones slow down after update

Unfortunately iPhones slow down after update. Every iOS update brings with itself the question of whether earlier iPhone models will become slower. Which prompts masses of users to upgrade to a newer model.

Geekbench, which measures the performance of mobile devices, reviewed the numerous tests performed by iPhone users and found surprising correlations.

When iPhone 6s models were tested with the iOS 10.2.0 version, the performance results were approximately in the same range. However, with the iOS 10.2.1 update, the performance of different devices showed discrepancies. Although the tests were run on the exact same hardware.

Suspicions arose when iPhone 6s devices were also tested with the iOS 11.2.0 software. Where differences between devices were even more pronounced. Geekbench concluded that this discrepancy cannot be explained simply by differences in battery quality.

Apple limits iPhone performance

It is highly likely that Apple limits iPhone performance when the condition of the battery deteriorates below a certain level. Which in order will prevent phones from turning off unexpectedly due to insufficient energy supply.

With the update that iPhones slow down after update, iPhone Repair Base says it’s better to keep using a slow phone. Rather than to see your mobile device turn off at 40% charge when you would still need it.

Apple doesnt warn users!

The only problem here is that Apple doesn’t warn users about this decrease in performance, and doesn’t inform them that the issue is a worn-down battery and it is high time to replace the deficient part. Instead, as they keep using their mobile with its poorer performance, users will conclude that the phone is slow, and therefore not modern enough, so it’s time to upgrade to a newer model.

If you have any questions or need any help contact us at the iPhone Repair Base. You can pop into our store in Kesgrave, Ipswich or call us on 07760 275 038 or email us
