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Never lose your wallet again

Never lose your wallet again | Macworld 1?e[1]:null,s=e.length>2?e[2]:null;if(“ping”===t)p({gppVersion:”1.1″,cmpStatus:”stub”,cmpDisplayStatus:”hidden”,signalStatus:”not ready”,supportedAPIs:[“2:tcfeuv2″,”5:tcfcav1″,”6:uspv1″,”7:usnatv1″,”8:uscav1″,”9:usvav1″,”10:uscov1″,”11:usutv1″,”12:usctv1″],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:””,parsedSections:{}},!0);else if(“addEventListener”===t){“lastId”in __gpp||(__gpp.lastId=0),__gpp.lastId++;var n=__gpp.lastId;{id:n,callback:p,parameter:s}),p({eventName:”listenerRegistered”,listenerId:n,data:!0,pingData:{gppVersion:”1.1″,cmpStatus:”stub”,cmpDisplayStatus:”hidden”,signalStatus:”not ready”,supportedAPIs:[“2:tcfeuv2″,”5:tcfcav1″,”6:uspv1″,”7:usnatv1″,”8:uscav1″,”9:usvav1″,”10:uscov1″,”11:usutv1″,”12:usctv1″],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:””,parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else if(“removeEventListener”===t){for(var a=!1,i=0;i<;i++)if([i].id==s){,1),a=!0;break}p({eventName:"listenerRemoved",listenerId:s,data:a,pingData:{gppVersion:"1.1",cmpStatus:"stub",cmpDisplayStatus:"hidden",signalStatus:"not ready",supportedAPIs:["2:tcfeuv2","5:tcfcav1","6:uspv1","7:usnatv1","8:uscav1","9:usvav1","10:uscov1","11:usutv1","12:usctv1"],cmpId:0,sectionList:[],applicableSections:[],gppString:"",parsedSections:{}}},!0)}else"hasSection"===t?p(!1,!0):"getSection"===t||"getField"===t?p(null,!0):__gpp.queue.push([].slice.apply(e))},window.__gpp_msghandler=function(e){var t="string"==typeof;try{var p=t?JSON.parse(}catch(e){p=null}if("object"==typeof p&&null!==p&&"__gppCall"in p){var s=p.__gppCall;window.__gpp(s.command,(function(p,n){var a={__gppReturn:{returnValue:p,success:n,callId:s.callId}};e.source.postMessage(t?JSON.stringify(a):a,"*")}),"parameter"in s?s.parameter:null,"version"in s?s.version:"1.1")}},"__gpp"in window&&"function"==typeof window.__gpp||(window.__gpp=window.__gpp_stub,window.addEventListener("message",window.__gpp_msghandler,!1),window.__gpp_addFrame("__gppLocator")); // CCPA Stub (function () { var e = false; var c = window; var t = document; function r() { if (!c.frames["__uspapiLocator"]) { if (t.body) { var a = t.body; var e = t.createElement("iframe"); = "display:none"; = "__uspapiLocator"; a.appendChild(e) } else { setTimeout(r, 5) } } } r(); function p() { var a = arguments; __uspapi.a = __uspapi.a || []; if (!a.length) { return __uspapi.a } else if (a[0] === "ping") { a[2]({ gdprAppliesGlobally: e, cmpLoaded: false }, true) } else { __uspapi.a.push([].slice.apply(a)) } } function l(t) { var r = typeof === "string"; try { var a = r ? JSON.parse( :; if (a.__cmpCall) { var n = a.__cmpCall; c.__uspapi(n.command, n.parameter, function (a, e) { var c = { __cmpReturn: { returnValue: a, success: e, callId: n.callId } }; t.source.postMessage(r ? JSON.stringify(c) : c, "*") }) } } catch (a) { } } if (typeof __uspapi !== "function") { c.__uspapi = p; __uspapi.msgHandler = l; c.addEventListener("message", l, false) } })(); // Google Tag Manager (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-5JGZ3LH'); // Permutive Stub !function(n,e,i){if(!n){n=n||{},window.permutive=n,n.q=[],n.config={}||{},n.config.apiKey=e,n.config.environment=n.config.environment||"production";for(var o=["addon","identify","track","trigger","query","segment","segments","ready","on","once","user","consent"],r=0;r s.replace(/[~'"=!+#;^()&[]]/g,''); window.ntvConfig = window.ntvConfig || {} ; window.ntvConfig.keyValues = window.ntvConfig.keyValues || {}; const segs = localStorage.getItem('_pnativo'); if (segs) { window.ntvConfig.keyValues.permutive = JSON.parse(segs).join(","); 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Array.from(podcastElements).map(function(element) { let postId = element.getAttribute(‘post_id’); let podcastIframe = document.createElement(“iframe”); const siteUrl = document.location.origin; podcastIframe.src = siteUrl+”/podcast-player?id=”+postId+”&position=”+count+’&_ajaxnonce=92765970a5′; podcastIframe.width = “100%”; podcastIframe.frameBorder =”0″; podcastIframe.scrolling = “0”; “none”; podcastIframe.scrolling = “no”; element.appendChild(podcastIframe); podcastIframe.onload = function() { setTimeout( function() { iframeLoaded( podcastIframe ); }, 1000); }; count++; }); } } document.addEventListener(“DOMContentLoaded”, () => { document.querySelectorAll(‘.wp-block-embed-youtube iframe’).forEach(function(element) { = ‘none’; }); }); function youtubeCallback() { document.querySelectorAll(‘.wp-block-embed-youtube iframe’).forEach(function(element) { element.setAttribute(‘src’, element.getAttribute(‘data-src’)); = ‘initial’; = ‘initial’; }); } /** * Load Apple podcast-block if user accepted consent **/ function loadApplePodcastplayer(){ const applePodcastElements = document.querySelectorAll(‘.apple_podcasts iframe’); if( applePodcastElements ){ Array.from(applePodcastElements).map(function(element) { const dataSrc = element.getAttribute(‘data-url’); const dataHeight = element.getAttribute(‘data-height’); element.src = dataSrc; element.height = dataHeight; }); } } function loadTaboola() { window._taboola = window._taboola || []; _taboola.push({article:’auto’}); !function (e, f, u, i) { if ( !document.getElementById(i)) { e.async = 1; e.src = u; = i; f.parentNode.insertBefore(e, f); } } ( document.createElement(‘script’), document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0], ‘//’ ,’tb_loader_script’ ); if(window.performance && typeof window.performance.mark == ‘function’) { window.performance.mark(‘tbl_ic’); } } // __tcfapi call event. __tcfapi(‘addEventListener’, 2, function(tcData, success) { if ( success && (tcData.eventStatus === ‘tcloaded’ || tcData.eventStatus === ‘useractioncomplete’) ) { console.log(‘###### tcData.eventStatu infogram ‘, tcData.eventStatus ); /** * GDPR Case **/ if(tcData.gdprApplies) { /** * Use getCustomVendorConsents to get all the vendor information we need to check * if consent was given for the vendor and associated purposes. **/ __tcfapi(‘getCustomVendorConsents’, 2, function(vendorConsents, success) { /** * If this fails for some reason, log to the console and do nothing **/ if(!success) { console.warn(‘Error getting custom vendor consents.’); }; if(success) { /** * Split up the vendorConsents callback return values into manageable variables **/ consentedPurposes = vendorConsents.consentedPurposes || []; consentedCustomVendors = vendorConsents.consentedVendors || []; vendorGrants = vendorConsents.grants; /** * Set up the checkConsent function to use for checking * individual vendor consents via their Sourcepoint Vendor-ID **/ var checkConsent = function(vendorId) { /** * Always start with the assumption that consent is not given by default **/ var consentGiven = false; /** * Check if the vendorId is found in vendorGrants from the vendorConsents.grants * callback variable of getCustomVendorConsents **/ if(vendorId in vendorGrants) { /** * Get vendorGrants via vendorId **/ var vendor = vendorGrants[vendorId]; /** * Now we can use the associated vendor to get the vendorGrant information. * If the vendor has grants, consentGiven will be true, otherwise this will * be set to false. **/ consentGiven = vendor.vendorGrant; /** * Check if we already have consent at this point **/ if(consentGiven) { /** * If we reach this, we know the vendor is not turned off, * but we double check all the vendors associated purposes * to be absolutely sure. **/ for(var purposeID in vendor.purposeGrants) { /** * While iterating all vendor associated purposes, * set this to true or false for each purpose **/ consentGiven = vendor.purposeGrants; /** * If this is set to false at any point in the purpose iteration, * we can exit out because at least one of the purposes has no * explicit consent given by the visitor **/ if(!consentGiven) { /** * Log to the console for easy debugging **/ console.warn(‘Purpose-consent for purpose’, purposeID, ‘for vendor’, vendorId, ‘is’, consentGiven); /** * Exit the loop **/ break; }; }; }; /** * If we passed both checks above, return the current value of consentGiven **/ console.log(‘Vendor’, vendorId, ‘has vendorGrant.’); return consentGiven; }; /** * Fallback case if vendor is not in vendor list and/or not found in vendorGrants * Just default to assuming consent is not given since we cannot explicitly check. **/ console.log(‘Vendor’, vendorId, ‘was not found in vendorGrants. Assume no consent.’); return false; }; /** * Now we can use the checkConsent function to check individual vendors via their vendorId **/ const whistleout_inc = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.whistleout_inc || ”; const whistleout_pty_ltd = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.whistleout_pty_ltd || ”; /** * For whistleout, we should check consent for both whistleout_inc and whistleout_pty_ltd * before loading the script **/ if( checkConsent(whistleout_inc) && whistleout_inc !== ” && checkConsent(whistleout_pty_ltd) && whistleout_pty_ltd !== ” ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor whistleout_inc’, whistleout_inc, ‘ and whistleout_pty_ltd’, whistleout_pty_ltd,’. Script can now be loaded’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); } /** * Store Sourcepoint vendorIds here to use for individual checks **/ const infogram = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.infogram || ”; /** * Now we can use the checkConsent function together with the vendorIds to check * each vendor and load the script when consent is given **/ if( infogram !== ” && checkConsent(infogram) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor infogram’, infogram, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); }; /*** * Dutch selection block. **/ const dutchSelectionBlock = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.dutch_selection || ”; if( dutchSelectionBlock !== ” && checkConsent(dutchSelectionBlock) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor dutchblock’, dutchSelectionBlock, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); }; /*** * Flourish block. **/ const flourish = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.flourish || ”; if( flourish !== ” && checkConsent(flourish) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor flourish block’, flourish, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); } /*** * Jetpack podcast player. **/ const podigee = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.podigee || ”; if( podigee !== ” && checkConsent(podigee) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor podcast player block’, podigee, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); } const youtube = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.youtube || ”; if( youtube !== ” && checkConsent(youtube) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor Youtube’, youtube, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); } /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ const apple_podcast = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.apple_podcast || ”; if( apple_podcast !== ” && checkConsent(apple_podcast) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for vendor Apple podcast block’, apple_podcast, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); } /*** * Taboola. **/ const taboola = window?.IDG?.vendorList?.taboola || ”; if( taboola !== ” && checkConsent(taboola) ) { console.log(‘Consent given for Taboola’, taboola, ‘. Script can now be loaded’); setTimeout(loadTaboola, 0); } } }); }; /** * Non-GDPR Case **/ if(!tcData.gdprApplies) { /** * GDPR does not apply so check for CCPA **/ __uspapi(‘getCustomVendorRejects’, 2, function(consent, USPDataSuccess) { /** * Log if this fails for some reason, should rarely ever happen **/ if(!USPDataSuccess) { console.error(‘Error getting __uspapi custom vendor rejects.’); }; /** * Check if CCPA applies, stored inside the consent variable of the callback **/ if(USPDataSuccess) { /** * Handle CCPA opt out check if it applies **/ if(consent.ccpaApplies) { /** * Get US Privacy Data **/ __uspapi(‘getUSPData’, 2, function(uspData, success) { /** * Log if this fails for some reason, should rarely ever happen **/ if(!success) { console.error(‘Error in getUSPData’); } /** * The opt out information is stored in the uspString * see IAB documentation: * **/ var uspString = uspData.uspString; var uspArray = uspString.split(”); var ccpaOptOut = (uspArray[2] === ‘Y’); /** * Visitor has actively opted out, so we do not fire the script(s) **/ if(ccpaOptOut) { console.log(‘Visitor has opted out via CCPA.’) } if(!ccpaOptOut) { /** * Visitor has not opted out so we can load our script(s) here for the CCPA case **/ setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); console.log(‘CCPA and no opt out. Loading scripts’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); /** * Display DutchBlcok **/ setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); /** * Display FlourishBlock **/ setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); /** * Display Podcast player jetpack. **/ setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); /** * Display Taboola. **/ setTimeout(loadTaboola, 0); } }); } /** * If we reach this point, we have checked for GDPR and CCPA applies * and both cases were false so no consent checks are required and * we can load the script(s) **/ if(!consent.ccpaApplies) { setTimeout(infogramCallback, 0); console.log(‘No consent required. Loading scripts’); /** * Display whistleout block here **/ setTimeout(whistleoutCallback, 0); /** * Display DutchBlcok **/ setTimeout(loadDutchBlockConfig, 0); /** * Display FlourishBlock **/ setTimeout(flourishCallback, 0); /** * Display Podcast player jetpack. **/ setTimeout(loadPodcastplayer, 0); setTimeout(youtubeCallback, 0); /** * Display Apple Podcasts. **/ setTimeout(loadApplePodcastplayer, 0); /** * Display Taboola. **/ setTimeout(loadTaboola, 0); } } }); } else { console.log(‘###### GDPR applied tcData.eventStatus ‘, tcData.eventStatus ); } /** * Remove the event listener after it has fired once per page * to avoid loading the script(s) multiple times **/ __tcfapi(‘removeEventListener’, 2, function(success) { if (success) { console.log(‘Removing event listener gdpr consent’, tcData.listenerId) } }, tcData.listenerId); } }); ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]> { if (ele.offsetHeight > maxHeight) { maxHeight = ele.offsetHeight }; }); document.querySelectorAll(“.article-feed-resources-block .text-block”).forEach((ele)=> { = maxHeight + ‘px’; }); } ]]]]]]>]]]]>]]>